Hotel Designs Brit List Awards 2023 London
Winner of the 'Hotel Concept of the Year''Rising Star' Award.
Regarded and respected globally as the industry’s most widespread campaign to identify the leading interior designers, architects, hoteliers and brands, The Brit List Awards 2023 has unveiled this year’s shortlist, which includes more than 150 individuals and projects selected across 12 categories

Interior Educators 2023 Exhibition Award London
Winner of the 'Craft & Making' Award.
This award is for projects which include examples of admirable care and skill, across any medium such as drawing, digital modelling, film, physical artefacts and other means of communication or design development.

Shortlisted for the 'Interior Futures' Award.
This award is for projects which address issues of future spaces and possibilities, including responses to political, economic and social shifts and challenges (such as responses to, or reconsideration of, spaces such as housing, the workplace, retail, health and learning environments; equally, the innovative use of space or rethinking a familiar space with an unfamiliar purpose).

Interior & Environmental Legacy Award
Winner of the 'Interior & Environmental Legacy Award'
Issued by the University of Dundee for an "outstanding design process through its use of exceptional spatial storytelling".