For our second semester project we were to design a table and chair. Focusing on developing an understanding of the intimate relationship between an ‘old and new’ intervention using the architype of a chair and table. We were to apply the adaptive reuse principles that are normally applied to buildings by sensitively adapting and reinventing the chair and table through well considered interventions.

The concept of this design was to explore what a chair looks like in a dream. When we use our subconscious mind without the limitations of the logical mind, we can access a way of thinking that can be more powerful than a product of a conscious thought.
In reconnecting my previous module, I discovered Bernard Tschumi’s Manhattan transcripts that explored the narrative of the city through the story boarding. Applying this technique of theoretical architecture I used this concept of expressing a narrative through a chair design.

The concept of this design was to explore the idea viewing the table as a prop in the middle of a social encounter. Social encounters/situations aren’t always comfortable or enjoyable, they can be menacing and hostile even threatening.
In these situations, as humans we need physical space and distance to divide us from other people that we feel threatened by.